This pistachio goat cheese bites recipe is the perfect no-cook holiday appetizer. A unique twist on the classic cheese ball with cherries and lemon for...
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Martini - An indulgent chocolate martini that's perfect for Valentine's Day, anniversaries, date-night-in, or a girls-night-in!...
This beef barley soup slow cooker is healthy comfort food that the whole family can enjoy when the temperature drops. This soup has a healthy combination...
This classic Italian baked chicken pasta recipe is easy to achieve. Chicken breasts are coated with breadcrumbs, seasoned with French onion soup mix, then...
They have the slightest hint of a crunch on the outside (like a fried donut would have) and they are pillow-y soft and moist on the inside. And once you've...
This delicious side dish is perfect for an autumn or winter meal. Boasting a golden, caramelized finish with brown sugar and butter- you're sure to taste...
This homemade pizza dough recipe makes a crispy crust with a perfectly chewy texture. If you are looking for a pizza recipe that yields the best results,...
This classic fruit tart is made with a buttery shortbread tart shell, a custard filling made with vanilla pastry cream, and topped with fresh fruits and...
During the cold winter months, dried figs cooked in this recipe remind us the sweetness of the summer to come. Poached in rich fortified sweet wine and...
You won't be able to resist these tangy but sweet dessert bars made with fresh strawberries, cream cheese filling, and a crumble topping. Our strawberries...
A triple-decker vegetarian club sandwich made with mouth-watering, tangy goat cheese, mixed grilled vegetables (pick your favourites) and piled high on...
Rich cream sauce meets tender chicken in this chicken Alfredo pasta recipe. And, since most of the cooking happens in the oven (the shredded cheese saves...
The best French vanilla cake recipe needs a rich, fluffy buttercream frosting. This easy recipe is one the whole family will love, plus you can put it...
Soft French bread stuffed with a cinnamon roll filling, baked to perfection, and topped with cinnamon roll icing. Make ahead so all you have to do in the...
Looking for a new cookie recipe? Loaded with chunks of two kinds of chocolate and toasted pecans, this peanut butter and chocolate cookies recipe is sure...
Homemade oven baked tortilla chips are an easy and healthy snack. Their prep only takes minutes and so does the baking. They go so well with all sorts...
The bark only takes about 5 minutes, making it the perfect fast, easy, and extremely satisfying treat. It's just melted chocolate, topped with a mixture...
This jam recipe is perfect for making a small, easy batch in less than an hour of active prep time. It is deliciously sweet and perfect on just about anything!...
Who knew breakfast cereal could be so sophisticated? Dress up a common pantry ingredient, cornflakes, in this almond clusters recipe. Serve as a bite-sized...
This is a simple recipe for a classic carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. This recipe uses tons of carrots and walnuts but no pineapple, raisins, or...
You know what they say: "necessity is the mother of invention." Our tortilla crêpes recipe is perfect for when you're craving this tedious French breakfast,...
There's a reason why this protein-rich breakfast sandwich is a classic: it's quick, easy and absolutely delicious. All you need is a microwave, six minutes...
Thick and chewy oatmeal scotchies are one of my favorite kinds of cookie! This is my recipe for the best oatmeal scotchies and they turn out just slightly...
I felt like popcorn and potato chips kind of belonged in the same world-- they're both salty and snacky and foods we like to munch on by the fist-full....
This super easy pulled pork sandwich recipe is about to become your weeknight saviour. The secret? Look for ready-to-eat prepared pulled pork in the deli...
Lemon Crumble Bars share a flavor that goes so well with the warmer months. Lemon brightens up any dish! For these Lemon Crumble Bars, we bake together...
Thick and chewy white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies with orange zest. The cookies get slightly crisp on the outside and stay super soft and chewy...